Once upon a time…there was a little girl who loved Disney princesses and had a beautiful collection of princess dresses. One day, her creative mother, who happened to be a professional photographer, decided to treat her to a lovely little Belle Disney Princess Photoshoot! Complete with her gown, matching shoes, a tiara and fresh roses, it was a wonderful evening filled with laughter and fun!
My 4 year old daughter, Emma, LOVES the Disney princesses, and to be honest, what 4 year old girl doesn’t!? I won’t lie when I say between myself, grandma and great grandma, we have spoiled her with way too many dresses. One day I was staring at the 17 dresses all piled onto her little 3 hook rack in her bedroom and thought how neat it would be do photograph her in some of her dresses. They would be such special memories for her in the future and a way to keep her innocence a little longer in my mind.
What you don’t see is that out of the 277 photos I took, I only kept 25. Why you ask? Because this child is the silliest and goofiest kid you will meet when it comes to taking a decent photo. (Thanks for the humor God. 😉 ) She almost NEVER makes just a happy smiling face. She always has to be making some weird contorted face or has to have her tongue out. I’ve learned to love it though because it’s her. So if you see our family pictures in the future, just know that’s 100% Emma. Haha!
I would absolutely love to do more sessions like this Belle Disney Princess Photoshoot for others, and think I will be offering these more in the Spring of 2020! If you are interested in the meantime, (Frozen lovers) click this link to send me an email! 🙂
Also, if you’re interested in this Belle dress, we purchased it directly from Disney!

October 20, 2019